Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Day To Remember Concert

A Day To Remember

"Pulling Your Pud Tour"

Northern Lights

Clifton Park, NY

For anyone who has ever attended a A Day To Remember concert knows how amazing they perform live. They headlined there own tour called "Pulling you Pud" with guests Parkways Drive, In Fear in Faith, and I See Stars. I got there at 11:30am and the doors opened at 6:00pm. The show was sold out and i didn't have a ticket. I was with my friends Krystal, Dick, and Kailyn, they all had tickets already. When people started to show up I was asking around for a ticket, about 15 minutes before the doors opened i found a girl who had one. She sold it to me for 50 dollars. I was pumped, i got back in line and we were first in. Dead center on the frount barrier. First to perform was I see Stars. The lead singer Devin is very sexy, and there music was amazing. My favorite song they played was "What this Means To Me". Next on was In Fear In Faith, who looked like they hadn't slept or showed in many days, but were amazing. The crowd behind was moshing intensely, it was crazy. By the time the band Parkway Drive from Austrialia came on everyone from behind was pushing forward,my ribs felt like they were gunna snap, it was great. The crowd surfers were amazing. After they were off there was a long break and A Day To Remember finally came on. They were amazing they played my favorite songs from there new album "Homesick" and there old album "For Those Who Have Hearts". I caught Neil guitar pick that said A Day To Remember and Neil on the back. The guy who did the photography for them gave me a Bring Me The Noise guitar pick. He was mad chill. I got two shirts... one which had a picture of florida with all the cool things in florida on it like mickey mouse and on the back said Fuck you from florida. The other one had ghost beating up pac man on the frount and on the back said stop running your mouth. It was so sweet. I found 20 bucks in mosh pit which i was around the bar. The concert was worth the 50 bucks. REGRETS: not buying a I See Stars t-shirt, and not buying my ticket earlier.


your concert reporter,
Rachel. :)

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